A "Reading Through The Bible" Update. . .
Earlier this year, I decided to read through the entire Bible chronologically. (See February 12th Entry) I'm a little behind since I started in February, but still have 4 1/2 months to finish. I'm also doing it the hard way. It says to read the Old Testament and the New Testament simultaneously, but I didn't want to do that. I wanted to read it straight through, in order. This morning I finished Judges and started reading 1 Samuel.
I have felt quite convicted in the past few weeks. I haven't read any of it during that time and I feel like it's directly affecting my sleep. I keep waking up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. Instead of reading my Bible like I should have been, I have been doing other things. God woke me up this morning around 4:15am and I immediately knew what I was supposed to do. So, I began to read.
Just in the past 2 hours I have learned so much. It's amazing isn't it? I'm actually learning something from the Old Testament. When I was little, I thought that the Old Testament didn't really apply to me, but it does. We can't have anything new without having something old. I can't have a "new" life in Christ, without hearing what our forefathers of faith struggled through. The Old Testament gives way to the New. It paints a beautiful picture and everything points to Christ. Just in the few chapters I have read this morning I can't tell you how many comparisons to Christ I came across.
My Thoughts For Today. . .
One comparison that really stuck out to me was in the story of Samuel. His mother, Hannah, was barren and unable to have children. She prayed and God gave her a son. She then sent him to live with a priest in order that he would do God's work. In 1 Samuel 2:26 it says that Samuel "continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with men." I immediately thought, "just like Jesus". (Luke 2:52)
There are certain people that just exude the character of Christ from every part of their being. Those people are wise, they are knowledgeable about scripture, they think, act, and talk like Jesus. They also have people flocking to be around them, just like Jesus did. You can't help but want to be with people that are like that.
After I thought about this for a while, I began to question myself. Am I "just like Jesus?" Do I have people that want to be around me because they see something different in me? Do people see Jesus in me? Do I exude the character of Christ?
Jesus, help me to be more like you every day. Help me to grow in stature and favor with you and the people of this community and everyone I come in contact with. Thank you for showing me all of the wonderful things in scripture today. Help them to be reminders to be just like you Jesus. Amen!
11 years ago
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