Tuesday, October 24, 2006

He doesn't need me

In the recent weeks, God has been telling me something very odd. What makes it more odd, is that he told my husband on the exact same day. He has told both of us "He doesn't need us." I'm not sure what it means exactly, but I might have received a little clarification about it after Jason's message Sunday night. He said that the paradox of God is that Jesus was fully God, yet he humbled himself to the point of a servant. He emptied himself. He also emptied himself on the cross the day he died. HE WAS GOD!!! Yet, gave up his life for all of us. Again, emtpying himself. In order for us to have the fullness of God, we have to empty ourselves. Maybe the statment God made to us, "I don't need you," was one of humility. He doesn't need us to necessarily be doing, but he does need us to be serving. Serving each other, serving people, serving our church, and serving HIM. He doesn't need us!!! We are mere humans and can't comprehend the thoughts of God. The thoughts of God "are foolishness to man". We have to be humble servants, and let our Master lead us.

I'm still not exactly sure why God told Jason and I at the same time, and continues to tell us. He could be preparing us for something new, or it could have simply been what we needed to hear that day. Whatever it is, I will give it to him, because he doesn't need me, but I certainly need Him.

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